Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The motorcycles are Royal Enfields. The short film is "Insomnia" shot in the United Arab Emirates and is directed by Marco Möller, founder at Möto. The lead bike is a custom with a re-positioned swingarm for stretch and a ton of cool detail. The other is a "Desert Storm" military model C5. It takes a full 3 minutes and 15 seconds until the viewer gets to see the riding shot, though, it's worth it. I've included screenshots below because they go by too fast to appreciate in the film. Excellent imagery, a little cheesy at times, but the motorcycles and gear (and the girl) make it a decent escape if you're locked behind a desk today...

Insomnia (Short Film) from möto on Vimeo.


  1. Great shots. Thank you for taking the time to do screen grabs. I don't care how sexy the girl, I'd never let her pour gas into my motorcycle without using a funnel. To her credit, she didn't spill a drop...

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